Exchanges and Returns

  • Can I cancel or change my order?
    • You can cancel or change your order by emailing us at support@paizlie.com within 24 hours, as changes cannot be made once the order is being processed.
  • Do you accept returns or exchanges?
    • We offer store credit for items returned within 15 days of delivery in their original, unused condition with tags. 
    • Refunds are provided only for incorrect items received. Contact us at support@paizlie.com for assistance. There is a Rs 200 charge for return pick-up, which will be deducted from your store credit. Items reported after 15 days or purchased on sale are not eligible for return or exchange.
  • How do I initiate a return?
    • Email us at support@paizlie.com with your order number and reason for return. We'll guide you through the process.
  • Can I exchange a product or a gift?
    • Exchanges are available for the same product in a different size or color, depending on availability. 
    • For gifts, a store credit will be issued if the item is returned unused. We will require the order number and purchaser’s email.
  • What if a wrong or damaged product is received?
    • If you receive the wrong product or defective product , please send us an email within 24 hours,  with photos of the products at support@paizlie.com. 
    • If your package appears damaged or tampered with at delivery do not accept the package and email us immediately at support@paizlie.com if possible, with photos and details within 24 hours.

Shipping and Delivery

  • What are the shipping charges and delivery times?
    • Standard delivery takes 8-14 business days, depending on your location. Contact support@paizlie.com if your order doesn't arrive within the expected time frame.
  • What about expedited delivery?
    • At checkout, choose standard or priority shipping. Priority shipping costs an additional as products are delivered faster as they are transported by air.  
  • How do I track my order?
    • You'll receive tracking link on your registered phone number.
  • What are the costs and policies for international shipping?
    • Shipping charges vary by destination and are calculated at checkout. We use the Indian postal service or UPS for international deliveries. Note, duties and taxes are not included and are payable by the customer upon receipt.
  • Can I return my international order?
    • Currently, we do not accept returns or exchanges for international orders. If there's an issue, please contact us at support@paizlie.com for a potential solution.


  • What if my payment fails or is declined?
    • If a payment fails, retry the transaction. If charged multiple times, email us with the details and screenshots at support@paizlie.com.
  • What payment methods are accepted?
    • For domestic transactions: Credit cards, Net Banking, Debit Cards, and Wallets. For international transactions: only Credit cards are accepted.


  • Do you accept wholesale orders or corporate gifting?
    • Yes we do! Email us at info@paizlie.com with your enquiry and we will assist you. 

  • Do you accept custom orders if my size is not available?
    • If you require a larger or smaller size than we offer, , we can custom make the  sleepwear you want, at an additional charge of INR 2000.
  • How can I get more information about your products?
    • Detailed product information is available under each product listing on our website. For further inquiries, feel free to contact us.

Contact information

  • You can contact us for product and order issues at support@paizlie.com.
    For partnerships or wholesale orders please contact us at info@paizlie.com.
  • For urgent issues you can contact us on WhatApp at +91 7678103856.